2005 „Zwischenfall“, A story set against the historical backdrop of Swiss efforts to obtain the atomic bomb. The facts-and-fiction story begins as a 'conventional' crime story and ends as a 'nuclear' agent novel. AGROMIX COMIX
2001 „Der dritte Tell“, Historical comic about the Great Swiss Peasants' Revolt of 1653. EDITION MODERNE
1995 „Die vier-Wald-Stadt-Ballade“, appeared in the Lucerne daily
newspaper MAIHOF Verlag
1993 „Einer schlief nicht“, adapted from an "Entlebucher Saga”
(Swiss area/ region) AGROMIX COMIX
1992 „Kommissar Roggenmoser; die Rosskur“ featured in the „Züri-Tip“ supplement, of the Zurich daily newspaper, „Tagesanzeiger“, AGROMIX COMIX
„Some Deadly Eggs Are Falling Down To Earth”,
a type of Comic-musical with accompanying soundtrack
on LP/ CD, performed by Melk Them,
1989 „Kommissar Roggenmoser; ein schwieriger Fall“, AGROMIX COMIX
2005 „Zwischenfall“, A story set against the historical backdrop of Swiss efforts to obtain the atomic bomb. The facts-and-fiction story begins as a 'conventional' crime story and ends as a 'nuclear' agent novel. AGROMIX COMIX
2001 „Der dritte Tell“, Historical comic about the Great Swiss Peasants' Revolt of 1653. EDITION MODERNE
1995 „Die vier-Wald-Stadt-Ballade“, appeared in the Lucerne daily
newspaper MAIHOF Verlag
1993 „Einer schlief nicht“, adapted from an "Entlebucher Saga”
(Swiss area/ region) AGROMIX COMIX
1992 „Kommissar Roggenmoser; die Rosskur“ featured in the „Züri-Tip“ supplement, of the Zurich daily newspaper, „Tagesanzeiger“, AGROMIX COMIX
„Some Deadly Eggs Are Falling Down To Earth”,
a type of Comic-musical with accompanying soundtrack
on LP/ CD, performed by Melk Them,
1989 „Kommissar Roggenmoser; ein schwieriger Fall“, AGROMIX COMIX